Case Study - Packaged Plant Room Solution for Briery Gap Cultural Centre

A Compact Solution for a Grand Revival: The RVRPAK Installation at Briery Gap

The Challenge

When a devastating fire ravaged Briery Gap, a beloved community arts space in Macroom, Ireland, in 2016, it faced a daunting task: rebuilding not just a structure, but a cultural heart. The goal was to create a versatile venue that could accommodate a diverse range of artistic events while maintaining its original charm. However, limited space and the need for and efficient, reliable heating system presented significant challenges.

The Solution

RVR Energy Technology Ltd. provided a comprehensive solution. The team designed and manufactured a custom-built RVRPAK MAX Packaged Plant Room, a compact and efficient unit that would meet the space constraints and energy needs of the refurbished Briery Gap.

This integrated approach ensured optimal performance and energy efficiency, while also freeing up valuable space within the building.

We invite you to explore the full case study and learn more about the technologies used and the impressive results achieved.

Briery Gap Case Study

More information 

Immergas are a major European manufacturer of heating products.  Their headquarters and main manufacturing plant is located near Parma, Italy.  They have manufactured over 8 million heating appliances since they were established in 1964.