Cascade manager for Enerblue Heat Pumps

The Enerblue Manager system allows the cascade control of up to 6 Enerblue Heat Pumps.
The Manager Lite is designed for use with central heating only systems while the Manager PRO also provides control of domestic hot water.
They include all the sensors needed for optimum operation, including a buffer cylinder probe, return pipe probe and external temperature probe. In the case of the Manager PRO, two additional sensors are provided for the hot water cylinder and cylinder return.
A simple to use graphical display is included.
Please contact us for more information.
The Manager Lite is designed for use with central heating only systems while the Manager PRO also provides control of domestic hot water.
They include all the sensors needed for optimum operation, including a buffer cylinder probe, return pipe probe and external temperature probe. In the case of the Manager PRO, two additional sensors are provided for the hot water cylinder and cylinder return.
A simple to use graphical display is included.
Please contact us for more information.