Immergas Audax Distributer

The Immergas Audax Distributor is a 2 zone pre-plumbed kit designed for use with Immergas Audax heat pumps and the cylinder of your choice. The kit is designed to simplify the indoor functionality when using an Immergas Audax Heat Pump and is a great time-saver..
This Audax distributer includes:
- Pre-plumbed manifold with three way valve and two zone valves - allowing easy connection of the heat pump to the cylinder and heating system
- Pre-wired Immergas Audax remote controller ready to accept two thermostat connections
- Built in control of immersion for legionella control.
- All pre-mounted on a backplate for easy installation.
A suitably dimensioned un-vented kit must be installed with the cylinder to ensure safe operation. A belding valve must also be installed. Please refer to Audax distributor instructions for more information.
Audax distributer datasheet Audax distributer instructionsPlease note that products may differ slightly from the images shown.