Remote/Cascade Control for MEX VSX
The Thermocold Remote/Cascade controller for MEX VSX heat pumps is an easy to use touchscreen controller which may be used as a remote controller for a single heat pump or as a cascade controller for a group of heat pumps.
A colour graphical display gives a clear visual representation of the system and current state at a glance. Temperature and humidity data may also be seen. Additional information on each aspect of the system is easily accessed with a single touch.
Set-point, weather compensation, time clock and operating parameters may all be adjusted via either the user or service menus. Full alarm and diagnostic information is also available.
The controller may act as a thermostat in a single zone installation. Control of DHW temperature and anti-legionella control is built in and may be used where a storage tank is connected to the system (using supplementary immersion).
The controller has built in Ethernet and web server to allow it to be connected to a LAN.
Please contact us for further information.